Same patch as the live set patch from 27.6.2012. this time with the percussion section. quick done and recorded with a photo camera in bad light.
Shifting Dub from istari lasterfahrer on Vimeo.
Same patch as the live set patch from 27.6.2012. this time with the percussion section. quick done and recorded with a photo camera in bad light.
Shifting Dub from istari lasterfahrer on Vimeo.
some little jam with a patch for a live set. temposwitching is once made by attacktime change on math controlled by the timetable cv output and then switched by hand to clocked by the mfb lfo. three oscillaors running, two controlled by the rene and one by sample and hold and some other random sources.…
Live Set Patch Jam from istari lasterfahrer on Vimeo.
istari lasterfahrer : i wish i could make you smile some more – download
1. i wish i could make you smile some more
2. kick your ass till you fart
3. fucking up things
4. if i could i would fix it
digital release, buy it from junodownloads or bandcamp.
spbda004 | sozialistischer plattenbau 2012
istari lasterfahrer : himmel, harsch & hirn – download
1. Eventuallitäts Abhängig
2. Die erste Bildstörung
3. Kostenlose Freizeitangebote
4. Grenzenlos
5. Ausdruckstanz der Jünglige
6. Kurzweiliges
7. Hymnosexuell
8. Philosophieparkour
9. My Dub Can’t Move Mountains
10. Achtung Frisch Gemalt
11. Spiel mit auf deiner Blockflöte
12. Erste Stunde der Einsamkeit
13. Als wär es das erste mal
14. Ein Austausch findet nicht Statt
15. Beinahe schon lange her
16. Geschäftspapierorigami
digital release, buy it from junodownloads or bandcamp.
spbda003 | sozialistischer plattenbau 2012