7inch Lathe Dubplate
1. Istari Lasterfahrer-Sluggish Haste 06:22
2. Umkra-Le Pole (rmx of Tzii’s track) 04:07
marasm | cauac 003, 2015
7inch Lathe Dubplate
1. Istari Lasterfahrer-Sluggish Haste 06:22
2. Umkra-Le Pole (rmx of Tzii’s track) 04:07
marasm | cauac 003, 2015
istari lasterfahrer : set to my own advices – 8inch lathe cut
side 1:
sometimes it hard to say it in a ok way
i got props from town to town
side 2:
as happy as they wanna be
letztes lied
dhy063 | dhyana records 2004